Take part in our online event. Our professors present study programmes in the field of Computer & Data Science.

Join us for an interactive online event and learn all about our exciting study programmes in computer and data science. Our expert faculty will be on hand to answer all your questions. Sign up now and save your spot!
These study programmes will be presented in this online session:
Applied Data Science and Analytics
Master of Science | Heidelberg, Hamburg, Munich
As a data scientist, you are in a key position when it comes to dealing with large and unstructured data sets and extracting knowledge from them. Find out more about our Applied Data Science & Analytics Master's programme here. Head of study programme Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swati Chandna gives an introduction to the programme and answers your questions.
Computer Science
Bachelor of Science | Berlin, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Munich
When it comes to optimising digital services, IT experts are always in high demand. Are you passionate about IT systems, mobile apps and AI? Are you interested in software development? Then the B.Sc. Computer Science is the right choice for you. Prof. Dr. Peter Dillinger gives an introduction to the programme and answers your questions.
Applied Computer Science
Master of Science | Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Fuerth
How can computer science find applications in business and research? Enhance your knowledge with our Master's in Applied Computer Science and embark on a career with the employer of your choice or pursue a doctorate. Head of study programme Prof. Dr. Gerd Moeckel gives an introduction to the programme and answers your questions.
Digital Health
Master of Science | Fürth
Companies and institutions in the healthcare sector are looking for competent data scientists, who have a solid understanding for handling and creating valuable insights from big data. Be a part of this revolution and shape the future with us! Prof. Dr. habil. Clemens Werkmeister gives an intruduction to the programme and answers your questions.