SRH University

Research at SRH University

The engine for the future of a healthy society.

Studentin der Elektrotechnik arbeitet

Research stands for the success of our SRH University

The close symbiosis of science and business is a driving force for the future. New ideas, processes, products and services - research stands for the success of our university and our partner companies.

Our self-image
Our self-image

What research means to us

At SRH University, we combine science and business thinking throughout Germany and already cover a broad range of topics in our increasingly extensive co-operations already. To us innovation and development are essential aspects of the degree programme and work together to foster our research culture. Our goal is to further expand practice-oriented research, because networking innovative research institutions with companies is an important success factor.
We create a culture of innovation and provide you with the best possible support in realizing your research project.

Porträtfoto Claudia Luck-Sikorski
At SRH University, we shape the future together - we live the "R" in CORE and support young talents from all over the world with our research-orientated study programmes.
With our diverse interdisciplinary and application-orientated research projects and artistic development projects, we meet the challenges of our society and promote the scientists of tomorrow. The transfer of scientific findings into practice characterises our understanding of research.
Whether qualitative, quantitative, exploratory, artistic or experimental - our research activities are united by their proximity to people - a passion for life.
Prof. Dr. habil. Claudia Luck-Sikorski, Vice-Rector SRH University Research and Transfer
We support you! The SRH Graduate Centre

Are you a doctoral candidate or interested in doing a doctorate? At the Graduate Centre you will find advice and support services on all aspects of doctoral studies.

Promoting young talent
Zwei Studierende arbeiten an einem Projekt in der Werkstatt der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Promoting young talent

We support your research project

Thanks to the integration of research and teaching into the CORE principle, you are immediately equipped to get involved in exciting research opportunities and develope your own projects. If you are aiming for a doctorate after your studies, we will be happy to support you - all the way from finding a topic to publication.

Research-based learning
Research-based learning

Research and science in your degree programme

The R in CORE - our university's unique study model - stands for "Research": research is an anchored in the degree programme according to the CORE principle. You study at the cutting edge of science and actively participate in practical research projects. From the development of hypotheses to the selection of methods and the presentation of project results - you will learn about the world of science step by step supported by your lecturers.

Learn more about CORE
Learn more about our wide range of study programmes
Whether full-time or working while studying. Small or big city. Discover our study programmes at 18 modern campuses.