93 results for „courses“. Do you want to filter the results?
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Language courses
see the language course overview for more information. To the language course overview Registration 30.09.2024 - one week before the course starts Registration for the winter courses The programme is aimed [...] start of language courses from 13.05.2024 - registration possible from 02.04.2024 via CampusNet. Registration 02.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 Registration for the summer courses The language courses are offered digitally [...] pupils from the partner schools. The courses take place weekly and last 90 minutes each. The course lasts 10 weeks. Students who attend at least 80% of the course can take an exam. It is possible to acquire
Language courses at SRH Campus Hamburg
Language courses at SRH Campus Hamburg From Hamburg to the world You don't need a course to learn Hamburgish - words like "Buddel" or "Deern" come naturally to you. We offer language courses for many other [...] Learn German intensively German courses in the semester We help you to improve your German as quickly as possible - in our intensive German courses. We offer courses from A1 to C1 - with a focus on business [...] won't waste any time with our study-related courses. Languages play an important role in our internationally oriented degree programmes and further education courses. Particularly in today's world, language
Short Courses
our range of training & advanced training courses, short courses, and certificates. Discover our range of training & advanced training courses, short courses, and certificates. Stay ahead and advance your [...] hands-on short courses provide you with the precise knowledge that will truly drive you forward in your industry. Get to know our short courses Technology, Architecture & Sustainability Short Courses Business [...] Business & Law Short Courses Our offer Discover our programmes Our Bachelor's programmes Our Master's programmes Contact our study advisors Explore our study programme You’ve got questions? Give us a call. Get
General Studies
Language Courses and General Studies Courses'. From the list of modules and courses to register for, select 'Further Courses'. You will now see an overview of all current General Studies Courses (& Language [...] before the course date. How do I register for the General Studies Courses? To register for our general studies courses, please follow these steps (remember: registration for our general studies courses is only [...] Language Courses). Do I get (ECTS CP) European Credit Transfer System Credit Points for attending the course? For the language courses you will receive 1-2 (ECTS CP) after successfully passing the exam. The
Certificates Business and Law Search
Our short courses in the area of business & law Our short courses Change Management Executive Programme Join our short course and learn about effective change management. Thanks to the BCG partnership
Architecture - Design for the Built Environment admissions requirements in detail
requirements in detail When is a preparatory course necessary? With a degree in Architecture with at least 210 ECTS (= 3.5-year degree), no preparatory course is necessary. If you have a degree in architecture [...] with 180 ECTS (= 3 year degree), you must complete a preparatory course before starting your degree. The practical preparatory course must be started and successfully completed by the winter semester