68 results for „psychology“. Do you want to filter the results?
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Sports Psychology_2024 (Spopsy24)
Sports Psychology_2024 (Spopsy24) Brief description What drives people to exercise in their free time, to be active in a sports club or to achieve outstanding physical performance in competitive sport [...] results should help to inspire more people to take part in recreational sport and also identify psychological success variables in competitive sport. Duration: 01 April - 31 December 2024 Study programmes
No longer lost in New Work - a virtual toolkit for measuring and promoting psychological empowerment in public service organisations BAMFE
No longer lost in New Work - a virtual toolkit for measuring and promoting psychological empowerment in public service organisations BAMFE Brief description The "CU-Mehrweg" project is introducing a new
Part-time Psychology Search
Back Our part-time degree programmes in the field of psychology Our study programme
Bachelor Psychology search
Bachelor's degree programmes in Psychology Our study programmes International Business Administration Business Psychology Your ideal combination: Business & Psychology. You learn management foundations
International Business Administration - Business Psychology admission requirements in detail
about admission to your dream study programme in International Business Administration - Business Psychology below Admission requirements in detail English language requirements proof of **sufficient English
Master Psychology Search
Our Master's programmes in the field of psychology Our study programme